Tuesday, June 10, 2014

What Inspires you do things you want or interested with?

Sometimes our minds are not made up to do things we wanted to do simple because we don't even know where or how to start with.  There's so many ideas rushing in our minds and  putting those ideas into action is kind of oblivious.

Why do I work? What  inspires me?  I can simply say ... it's the monthly bills that needs to be paid. If not, then here comes those collection agencies either sending you mails or would be calling your phone (if it has not been disconnected for not paying bills) numerous times in a day.  I  do not answer my phone not unless I know who was on the other line...if it says "private"...ahhh I am private too.  If it says number unavailable....I am unavailable too. If it's from other place that I don't even know how they get my phone number...I simply don't answer it.  In short, I screen my calls...which most of us do.

I love doing crafts...what inspires me? I just love doing crafts. I love to sew too.  A part of the inspiration is my daughter who I love buying bows for her, then I make bows too...I am not selling it yet...maybe soon and I will show you pictures of it.

What inspires me to do some gardening?  I missed some plants from my birth country that I need to have them to keep me from being homesick.

What inspires me to cook? All I can say is that it's in my veins...can't help it.  And I am not fond of eating fastfood or some restaurant foods as I don't even know if they wash their hands, if they wear gloves or not. I have spoken with some  restaurant workers that used to work with me and I ask them if they wear gloves, they laugh and said they don't even wash their hands.  Are they serious? No wonder every time I eat outside, I come home with a tummy ache and have to go straight to the bathroom and release the toxins...I wonder if they put some laxatives...ummmmm.

What inspires you to do things?

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